A more involved and extensive example that uses the CIFPARSE-OBJ library to generate a CIF file for each biological assembly listed in the pdbx_struct_assembly category of a CIF file. This example synthesizes information located in the pdbx_struct_assembly_gen, pdbx_struct_oper_list, and atom_site categories to accomplish this task. For every assembly in pdbx_struct_assembly_gen, the program retrieves the operation expression and applies the operations it specifies (which are stored in pdbx_struct_oper_list) to certain coordinates.

Build Instructions:

Files: Assemblies.C, 2BUK.cif
	    Save Assemblies.C to /path/to/cifparse-obj-vX.X-prod-src/parser-test-app-vX.X/src/
	    Save the CIF file anywhere, e.g., /path/to/cifparse-obj-vX.X-prod-src/parser-test-app-vX.X/bin/
	    Add Assemblies.ext to the BASE_MAIN_FILES list in the Makefile in /path/to/cifparse-obj.vX.X-prod-src/parser-test-app-vX.X
	    Execute make in the same directory as the Makefile
	    cd to bin, where the executable has been made, and run ./Assemblies /path/to/2BUK.cif, 
	    which generates a /path/to/2BUK-ASSEMBLY.cif file for each assembly listed in pdbx_struct_assembly

Functions to Note

#include "CifFile.h"
string CifFile::GetFirstBlockName()
Returns the first data block name. CifFile inherits this method from TableView. Related: CifFile::GetBlockNames(vector<string>& blockNames).
Block& CifFile::GetBlock(const string& blockName)
Retrieves a data block specified by some blockName. CifFile inherits this method from TableView.
ISTable& Block::GetTable(const string& name)
Retrieves a table (i.e., category) within the block, specified by some name.
void Block::WriteTable(ISTable& isTable)
Writes a table to the data block, adding it if it doesn't exist and updating it otherwise. Related: void Block::WriteTable(ISTable& isTable)
void CifFile::Write(const string& cifFileName, const bool sortTables = false, const bool writeEmptyTables = false)
Writes the data out to a text file specified by cifFileName.
#include "ISTable.h"
unsigned int ISTable::GetNumRows()
Returns the numbers of rows in the table (i.e., category).
vector<string> ISTable::GetColumnNames()
Returns the names of every column/attribute in the table.
void ISTable::AddColumn(const string& colName, const vector<string>& col = vector<string>())
Adds a column of name colName to the end of the table, optionally with values (contained in col) to fill in the newly added column
const string& ISTable::operator()(const unsigned int rowIndex, const string colName)
Returns the value of the attribute colName at row index rowIndex
vector<string>& ISTable::GetRow(const unsigned int rowIndex)
Returns the row in the zero-indexed category table specified by some rowIndex. Related: void ISTable::GetRow(vector<string>& row, const unsigned int rowIndex, const string& fromColName = string(), const string& toColName = string()).
unsigned int ISTable::InsertRow(const unsigned int atRowIndex, const vector<string>& row = vector<string>())
Inserts a row at the specified row index, optionally with a set of values. Returns the new number of rows following insertion.

Assemblies for 2BUK.cif

Rendered via Chimera

Example Source Code:

 * Assemblies.C
 * For some CIF file, generate a complete CIF file for every assembly
 * listed in the pdbx_struct_assembly category table by performing
 * rotation and translation matrix operations and creating a new atom_site
 * category table for each assembly.
 * Lines with superscriptions contain footnoted references or explanations.

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>

using boost::lexical_cast;

#include "CifFile.h"
#include "CifParserBase.h"
#include "ISTable.h"

// Type to facilitate the construction of 4x4 matrices
typedef boost::multi_array<double, 2> matrix;

unsigned int findOperationIndex(ISTable& oper_list, const string& id);
void parseOperationExpression(vector<string>& ops, const string& expression);
void prepareOperation(ISTable& oper_list, matrix& operation, const unsigned int oper1, const int oper2);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // The pathname of the CIF file
    string cifName = argv[1];
    // A string to hold any parsing diagnostics
    string diagnostics;

    // Create CIF file and parser objects
    CifFile *cifFileP = new CifFile;
    CifParser *cifParserP = new CifParser(cifFileP);

    // Parse the CIF file
    cifParserP->Parse(cifName, diagnostics);

    // Delete the CIF parser, as it is no longer needed
    delete cifParserP;
    // Display any parsing diagnostics
    if (!diagnostics.empty())
        std::cout << "Diagnostics: " << std::endl << diagnostics << std::endl;

    // Get the first data block name in the CIF
    string firstBlockName = cifFileP->GetFirstBlockName();

    // Retrieve the first data block
    Block& block = cifFileP->GetBlock(firstBlockName);

    // Retrieve the table corresponding to the atom_site category, which delineates constituent atoms1
    ISTable& atom_site = block.GetTable("atom_site");
    // Make a reference copy of the atom_site category table
    ISTable atom_site_ref = ISTable(atom_site);

    // Retrieve the table corresponding to the pdbx_struct_assembly_gen category,2
    // which details the generation of each macromolecular assembly
    ISTable& assembly_gen = block.GetTable("pdbx_struct_assembly_gen");
    // Retrieve the table corresponding to the pdbx_struct_oper_list category, which details3
    // rotation and translation operations required to generate/transform assembly coordinates
    ISTable& oper_list = block.GetTable("pdbx_struct_oper_list");

    // Use the CIF file pathname to prepare to generate the CIF file pathname for each assembly
    size_t extPos = cifName.find(".cif");

    // Create a CIF file for every assembly specified in pdbx_struct_assembly_gen
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < assembly_gen.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        // Create a new atom_site category table for this assembly
        atom_site = ISTable("atom_site");

        // Add the attribute/column names to the new atom_site category table
        vector<string> cols = atom_site_ref.GetColumnNames();
        for (unsigned int y = 0; y < cols.size(); ++y)

        // Keep track of the current atom and model number
        unsigned int atomNum (1), modelNum (0);

        // Retrieve the assembly_id attribute value for this assembly
        string assemblyId = assembly_gen(i, "assembly_id");
        // Generate the CIF out file pathname using the value of the assembly_id attribute
        string outName = cifName.substr(0, extPos) + "-" + assemblyId + ".cif";

        // Retrieve the operation expression for this assembly from the oper_expression attribute
        string operations = assembly_gen(i, "oper_expression");
        // Vectors to hold the individual operations 
        vector<string> opers, opers2;

        // Handles one operation assemblies (e.g., "1")
        if (operations.find("(") == string::npos)

        // Handles multiple operation assemblies, no Cartesian products (e.g., "(1-5)")
        else if (operations.rfind("(") == 0)
            parseOperationExpression(opers, operations);

        // Handles Cartesian product expressions (e.g., "(X0)(1-60)")
            // Break the oper_expression into two parenthesized expressions for parsing
            size_t tempPos = operations.find_first_of(")");
            string firstHalf = operations.substr(0, tempPos + 1);
            string secondHalf = operations.substr(tempPos + 1);
            // Parse each expression, propagating opers and opers2
            parseOperationExpression(opers, firstHalf);
            parseOperationExpression(opers2, secondHalf);
        // Retrieve the asym_id_list, which indicates which atoms to apply the operations to
        string asym_id_list = assembly_gen(i, "asym_id_list");

        unsigned int temp = 1 > opers2.size() ? 1 : opers2.size();

        // A matrix to hold the current rotation/translation operation	
        matrix operation(boost::extents[4][4]);
        // For every operation in the first parenthesized list
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < opers.size(); ++j)
            // Find the index of the current operation in the oper_list category table
            unsigned int operIndex = findOperationIndex(oper_list, opers[j]);
            // For every operation in the second parenthesized list
            for (unsigned int k = 0; k < temp; ++k)
                // Determine the index of the current operation in the second parenthesized list
                int oper2Index (-1);
                if (!opers2.empty())
                    oper2Index = findOperationIndex(oper_list, opers2[k]);

                // Prepare the operation matrix
                prepareOperation(oper_list, operation, operIndex, oper2Index);
                vector<string> row;
                string model = lexical_cast<string>(modelNum);

                // Iterate over every atom in the atom_site reference table
                for (unsigned int r = 0; r < atom_site_ref.GetNumRows(); ++r)
                    // If the asym_id of the current atom is not in the asym_id_list, skip to the next atom
                    if (asym_id_list.find(atom_site_ref(r, "label_asym_id")) == string::npos)
                    // Retrieve the atom's row from the atom_site reference table
                    row = atom_site_ref.GetRow(r);

                    // Write out the current atom and model numbers
                    row[1] = lexical_cast<string>(atomNum);
                    row[25] = model;

                    // Retrieve the coordinates for this atom
                    vector<double> coords;
                    coords.push_back(lexical_cast<double>(atom_site_ref(r, "Cartn_x")));
                    coords.push_back(lexical_cast<double>(atom_site_ref(r, "Cartn_y")));
                    coords.push_back(lexical_cast<double>(atom_site_ref(r, "Cartn_z")));

                    double sum;
                    // Perform the matrix operation
                    for (unsigned int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
                        sum = 0.0;
                        for (unsigned int b = 0; b < 4; ++b)
                            sum += (operation[a][b] * coords[b]);
                        // Write out the modified coordinate
                        row[10 + a] = boost::str(boost::format("%|.3f|") % sum);
                    // Add the modified row to the atom_site category table for this assembly
                    atom_site.InsertRow(atomNum - 1, row);
        // Write the atom_site table for this assembly
        // Write out the CIF file for this assembly
    return 0;

inline unsigned int findOperationIndex(ISTable& oper_list, const string& id)
    // Search the oper_list category table for the operation specified by id
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < oper_list.GetNumRows(); ++i)
        if (oper_list(i, "id") == id)
            return i;
    return 0;

inline void parseOperationExpression(vector<string>& ops, const string& expression)
    // Iterate over the operation expression
    for (unsigned int i = 1; i < expression.length() - 1; ++i)
        // Read an operation
        unsigned int pos = i;
        while(expression[pos] != ',' &&
              expression[pos] != '-' &&
              expression[pos] != ')')
        string currentOp = expression.substr(i, pos - i);
        // Handle single operations
        if (expression[pos] != '-')
            i = pos;

        // Handle ranges
            // Read in the range's end value
            i = pos;
            while(expression[pos] != ',' &&
                  expression[pos] != ')')
            // Add all the operations in [currentOp, end]
            unsigned int end = lexical_cast<unsigned int>(expression.substr(i, pos - i));
            for (unsigned int j = lexical_cast<unsigned int>(currentOp); j <= end; ++j)
            i = pos;

inline void prepareOperation(ISTable& oper_list, matrix& operation, const unsigned int oper1, const int oper2)
    // Prepare matrices for operations 1 & 2
    matrix op1(boost::extents[4][4]), op2(boost::extents[4][4]);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        op1[3][i] = op2[3][i] = (i == 3) ? 1 : 0;
    // Fill the operation matrices for operations 1 & 2
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        string iStr = lexical_cast<string>(i + 1);

        op1[i][3] = lexical_cast<double>(oper_list(oper1, "vector[" + iStr + "]"));

        if (oper2 != -1)
            op2[i][3] = lexical_cast<double>(oper_list(oper2, "vector[" + iStr + "]"));
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
            string jStr = lexical_cast<string>(j + 1);

            op1[i][j] = lexical_cast<double>(oper_list(oper1, "matrix[" + iStr + "][" + jStr + "]"));

            if (oper2 != -1)
                op2[i][j] = lexical_cast<double>(oper_list(oper2, "matrix[" + iStr + "][" + jStr + "]"));

    // Handles non-Cartesian product expressions
    if (oper2 == -1)
        operation = op1;

    // Handles Cartesian product expressions (4x4 matrix multiplication)
    double sum;
    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < 4; ++row)
        for (unsigned int col = 0; col < 4; ++col)
            sum = 0.0;
            for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 4; ++r)
                sum += (op1[row][r] * op2[r][col]);
            operation[row][col] = sum;
  1. http://mmcif.wwpdb.org/dictionaries/mmcif_pdbx_v40.dic/Categories/atom_site.html
  2. http://mmcif.wwpdb.org/dictionaries/mmcif_pdbx_v40.dic/Categories/pdbx_struct_assembly_gen.html
  3. http://mmcif.wwpdb.org/dictionaries/mmcif_pdbx_v40.dic/Categories/pdbx_struct_oper_list.html