Information Specific To Electron Microscopy (3DEM)

Sample Description

PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_entity_assembly REMARK 245 Details about each component of the complex.


Example: 1
_em_entity_assembly.parent_id 0
_em_entity_assembly.source RECOMBINANT
_em_entity_assembly.type COMPLEX 'Core tetramer assembly (p2) of the phiPA3 bacteriophage PhuN protein'
_em_entity_assembly.details ?
_em_entity_assembly.synonym ?
_em_entity_assembly.oligomeric_details ?
_em_entity_assembly.entity_id_list 1
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_entity_assembly_molwt N/A Details about the molecular weight of an assembly component of the sample.


PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_entity_assembly_naturalsource N/A Details about the natural source for EM assemblies and assembly components.


_em_entity_assembly_naturalsource.cell ?
_em_entity_assembly_naturalsource.cellular_location ?
_em_entity_assembly_naturalsource.entity_assembly_id 1 2
_em_entity_assembly_naturalsource.ncbi_tax_id 998086
_em_entity_assembly_naturalsource.organism 'Pseudomonas phage PhiPA3'
_em_entity_assembly_naturalsource.organelle ?
_em_entity_assembly_naturalsource.organ ?
_em_entity_assembly_naturalsource.strain ?
_em_entity_assembly_naturalsource.tissue ?
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_entity_assembly_recombinant N/A Details about the recombinant expression of the assembly or assembly component.


_em_entity_assembly_recombinant.cell ?
_em_entity_assembly_recombinant.entity_assembly_id 1 2
_em_entity_assembly_recombinant.ncbi_tax_id 562
_em_entity_assembly_recombinant.organism 'Escherichia coli'
_em_entity_assembly_recombinant.plasmid ?
_em_entity_assembly_recombinant.strain 'BL21 Star (DE3)pLysS'

EM Experiment

PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_experiment REMARK 245 High-level classification of the EM experiment.


_em_experiment.entry_id 8FNE 1
_em_experiment.reconstruction_method 'SINGLE PARTICLE'
_em_experiment.aggregation_state '2D ARRAY'
_em_experiment.entity_assembly_id 1

Sample preparation

PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_specimen REMARK 245 Details about specimens prepared for imaging by electron microscopy.


_em_specimen.concentration ?
_em_specimen.details ?
_em_specimen.embedding_applied NO
_em_specimen.experiment_id 1 1
_em_specimen.shadowing_applied NO
_em_specimen.staining_applied NO
_em_specimen.vitrification_applied YES
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_buffer REMARK 245 Details of the sample buffer.

Example: 1
_em_buffer.specimen_id 1 ?
_em_buffer.details '0.25 complete Protease Inhibitor Tablet also included'
_em_buffer.pH 6.5
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_buffer_component N/A Details of the sample buffer components.


1 20 mM ? 1 BisTrisPropane
1 150 mM ? 2 'Sodium Chloride'
1 1 mM ? 3 DTT
1 1 mM ? 4 EDTA
1 2 mM ? 5 'Magnesium Chloride'
1 1 mM ? 6 ATP
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_staining N/A Details about the staining procedure used in the specimen preparation.

Example: 1
_em_staining.specimen_id 1
_em_staining.material 'Uranyl Acetate'
_em_staining.type NEGATIVE
_em_staining.details 'Negatively stained EM specimens were prepared using a carbon-sandwich technique and uranyl-acetate stain.'
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_embedding N/A Details about the embedding procedure used in the specimen preparation.


_em_embedding.details '3% trehalose' 1
_em_embedding.material trehalose
_em_embedding.specimen_id 1
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_shadowing N/A Details about the shadowing of an EM specimen.

Example: 1
_em_shadowing.specimen_id 1
_em_shadowing.angle 45
_em_shadowing.thickness 3
_em_shadowing.material Platinum
_em_shadowing.details 'shadowing was used to create a platinum replica'
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_sample_support REMARK 245 Details of the electron microscope grid type, grid support film and pretreatment of the whole before sample is applied.

Example: 1
_em_sample_support.film_material 'HOLEY CARBON'
_em_sample_support.grid_material COPPER
_em_sample_support.grid_mesh_size 400
_em_sample_support.details 'GLOW DISCHARGED 120 seconds'
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_support_film N/A Describes films supporting the specimen.

Example: 1
_em_support_film.material CARBON
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_grid_pretreatment N/A Describes glow discharge pretreatment for an EM grid.

Example: 1
_em_grid_pretreatment.sample_support_id 1
_em_grid_pretreatment.type 'GLOW DISCHARGE'
_em_grid_pretreatment.time 12
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_vitrification REMARK 245 Details about the method and cryogen used in rapid freezing of the sample on the grid prior to its insertion in the electron microscope.


_em_vitrification.entry_id 8FNE 1
_em_vitrification.specimen_id 1
_em_vitrification.cryogen_name ETHANE
_em_vitrification.humidity 100
_em_vitrification.temp ?
_em_vitrification.chamber_temperature 283.15
_em_vitrification.instrument 'FEI VITROBOT MARK IV'
_em_vitrification.method ?
_em_vitrification.time_resolved_state ?
_em_vitrification.citation_id ?
_em_vitrification.details ?


PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_imaging REMARK 245 Details about the parameters used in imaging the sample in the electron microscope.


_em_imaging.entry_id 8FNE 1
_em_imaging.microscope_model 'FEI TITAN KRIOS'
_em_imaging.specimen_holder_type ?
_em_imaging.specimen_holder_model 'FEI TITAN KRIOS AUTOGRID HOLDER'
_em_imaging.accelerating_voltage 300
_em_imaging.illumination_mode 'FLOOD BEAM'
_em_imaging.mode 'BRIGHT FIELD'
_em_imaging.nominal_cs 2.7
_em_imaging.nominal_defocus_min 800
_em_imaging.nominal_defocus_max 2500
_em_imaging.nominal_magnification 105000
_em_imaging.electron_source 'FIELD EMISSION GUN'
_em_imaging.specimen_id 1
_em_imaging.cryogen NITROGEN
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_image_scans REMARK 245 Details of the image scanning device (microdensitometer) and parameters for digitization of the image.


_em_image_scans.entry_id 1DYL 2
_em_image_scans.number_digital_images 48
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_tomography N/A Microscopy parameters only relevant for tomography.

Example: 1
_em_tomography.imaging_id 1
_em_tomography.dual_tilt_axis_rotation 90.0
_em_tomography.axis1_angle_increment 2
_em_tomography.axis1_min_angle -70.00
_em_tomography.axis1_max_angle 70.0
_em_tomography.axis2_angle_increment 2
_em_tomography.axis2_min_angle -70.0
_em_tomography.axis2_max_angle 70.0
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_imaging_optics N/A Description of a few specialist optics apparatus.

Example: 1
_em_imaging_optics.imaging_id 1
_em_imaging_optics.chr_aberration_corrector 'CEOS manufactured Cc corrector'
_em_imaging_optics.energyfilter_lower 0
_em_imaging_optics.energyfilter_upper 15
_em_imaging_optics.energyfilter_name FEI
_em_imaging_optics.phase_plate ?
_em_imaging_optics.sph_aberration_corrector ?
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_focused_ion_beam N/A Description of sectioning by focused_ion_beam.


No example available
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_image_recording REMARK 245 Details of the image recording (either film/microdensitometer or electronic densitometer) and parameters for image digitization.


_em_image_recording.average_exposure_time ?
_em_image_recording.avg_electron_dose_per_subtomogram ?
_em_image_recording.avg_electron_dose_per_image 67
_em_image_recording.details ?
_em_image_recording.detector_mode ?
_em_image_recording.film_or_detector_model 'GATAN K3 BIOQUANTUM (6k x 4k)' 1
_em_image_recording.imaging_id 1
_em_image_recording.num_diffraction_images ?
_em_image_recording.num_grids_imaged ?
_em_image_recording.num_real_images ?


PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
  • REMARK 3
  • REMARK 245
Details of the 3D reconstruction procedure from 2D projections.


_em_3d_reconstruction.entry_id 8FNE 1
_em_3d_reconstruction.method ?
_em_3d_reconstruction.algorithm ?
_em_3d_reconstruction.citation_id ?
_em_3d_reconstruction.details ?
_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution 3.9
_em_3d_reconstruction.resolution_method 'FSC 0.143 CUT-OFF'
_em_3d_reconstruction.magnification_calibration ?
_em_3d_reconstruction.nominal_pixel_size ?
_em_3d_reconstruction.actual_pixel_size ?
_em_3d_reconstruction.num_particles 29303
_em_3d_reconstruction.euler_angles_details ?
_em_3d_reconstruction.num_class_averages ?
_em_3d_reconstruction.refinement_type ?
_em_3d_reconstruction.image_processing_id 1
_em_3d_reconstruction.symmetry_type POINT
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_particle_selection N/A Details of images from scanned micrographs and the number of particles selected from a scanned set of micrographs.

Example: 1
_em_particle_selection.image_processing_id 1
_em_particle_selection.num_particles_selected 5267
_em_particle_selection.method 'INTERACTIVE'
_em_particle_selection.details ?
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_image_processing N/A Details of the EM image processing procedure.

Example: 1
_em_image_processing.image_recording_id 1
_em_image_processing.details 'The selected images were high-pass filtered and normalized'
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_ctf_correction N/A Description of the Contrast Transfer Function (CTF) correction.


_em_ctf_correction.details ? 1
_em_ctf_correction.em_image_processing_id 1
_em_ctf_correction.type 'PHASE FLIPPING ONLY'


PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_helical_entity N/A Details for a helical or filament type of assembly component.

Example: 1
_em_helical_entity.image_processing_id 1
_em_helical_entity.details ?
_em_helical_entity.axial_symmetry C2
_em_helical_entity.angular_rotation_per_subunit -0.782
_em_helical_entity.axial_rise_per_subunit 4.763
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_pdbx_helical_symmetry N/A Details about the helical symmetry group associated with this entry.


_pdbx_helical_symmetry.entry_id '1ABC'
_pdbx_helical_symmetry.number_of_operations 35
_pdbx_helical_symmetry.rotation_per_n_subunits 131.84
_pdbx_helical_symmetry.rise_per_n_subunits 6.10
_pdbx_helical_symmetry.n_subunits_divisor 1
_pdbx_helical_symmetry.dyad_axis no
_pdbx_helical_symmetry.circular_symmetry 1
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_single_particle_entity N/A Details of the enforced symmetry for a single particle entity type.


_em_single_particle_entity.entry_id 8GA0 1
_em_single_particle_entity.image_processing_id 1
_em_single_particle_entity.point_symmetry C1


PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_3d_fitting REMARK 3 Details of the method of fitting atomic coordinates from a coordinate file into a 3d-em volume map file.

Example: 1
_em_3d_fitting.entry_id 8FNE
_em_3d_fitting.method ?
_em_3d_fitting.target_criteria ?
_em_3d_fitting.details 'The initial model was generated using AlphaFold based on sequence alone.'
_em_3d_fitting.overall_b_value ?
_em_3d_fitting.ref_space ?
_em_3d_fitting.ref_protocol 'FLEXIBLE FIT'
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_3d_fitting_list N/A Details of the initial model used in fitting.

Example: 1
_em_3d_fitting_list.3d_fitting_id 1
_em_3d_fitting_list.pdb_entry_id ?
_em_3d_fitting_list.pdb_chain_id ?
_em_3d_fitting_list.pdb_chain_residue_range ?
_em_3d_fitting_list.details ?
_em_3d_fitting_list.chain_id ?
_em_3d_fitting_list.chain_residue_range ?
_em_3d_fitting_list.source_name AlphaFold
_em_3d_fitting_list.type 'in silico model'
_em_3d_fitting_list.accession_code ?


PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_em_software REMARK 3 Details of the software that was used for data collection, data processing, data analysis, structure calculations and refinement.


'PARTICLE SELECTION' ? 1 1 ? ? cryoSPARC v2.15.0
'PARTICLE SELECTION' ? 2 1 ? ? cryoSPARC v3.3.1
'PARTICLE SELECTION' ? 3 1 ? ? ? ?
'IMAGE ACQUISITION' ? 4 ? ? 1 SerialEM v.3.6-v.3.8
MASKING ? 5 ? ? ? ? ?
'CTF CORRECTION' ? 6 1 ? ? ? ?
'LAYERLINE INDEXING' ? 7 1 ? ? ? ?
'MODEL FITTING' RosettaRelax 9 ? 1 ? Rosetta ?
'MODEL FITTING' ? 10 ? 1 ? 'UCSF ChimeraX' ?
'MODEL FITTING' ? 11 ? 1 ? 'UCSF Chimera' ?
OTHER ? 12 ? ? ? ? ?
'IMAGE ACQUISITION' ? 13 ? ? ? ? ?
'MODEL REFINEMENT' RosettaRefine 14 ? 1 ? Rosetta ?
'MODEL REFINEMENT' ? 15 ? 1 ? ISOLDE 1.2.1
'INITIAL EULER ASSIGNMENT' 'Ab-Initio Reconstruction' 16 1 ? ? cryoSPARC v2.15.0
'FINAL EULER ASSIGNMENT' ? 18 1 ? ? cisTEM 1.0.0-beta
CLASSIFICATION ? 20 1 ? ? cisTEM 1.0.0-beta
CLASSIFICATION ? 21 1 ? ? ? ?
RECONSTRUCTION ? 22 1 ? ? ? ?