Data Category software


Category name
Required in PDB entries
Category group membership
Used in current PDB entries
Yes, in about 88.8 % of entries

Category Relationship Diagrams

View full category relationship diagram including all dictionary data categories
View abbreviated category relationship diagram including only those categories used in current PDB entries.

Category Description

               Data items in the SOFTWARE category record details about 
               the software used in the structure analysis, which implied
               any software used in the generation of any data items
               associated with the structure determination and
               structure representation. 

               These data items provide an alternative, and more thorough, 
               method for referencing computer programs than do data items 
               in the COMPUTING category.

Category Example

       Prolsq    unknown  .    program     'Wayne A. Hendrickson'  ?
       ''    refinement
        ref5  Fortran
       'Convex Fortran' v8.0 'Convex C220' ConvexOS  v10.1
       'Requires that Protin be run first'    optimized
       'restrained least-squares refinement'