Data Category refln


Category name
Required in PDB entries
Category group membership
Used in current PDB entries
Yes, in about 0.002 % of entries

Category Relationship Diagrams

View full category relationship diagram including all dictionary data categories
View abbreviated category relationship diagram including only those categories used in current PDB entries.

Category Description

               Data items in the REFLN category record details about the
               reflection data used to determine the ATOM_SITE data items.

               The REFLN data items refer to individual reflections and must
               be included in looped lists.

               The REFLNS data items specify the parameters that apply to all
               reflections. The REFLNS data items are not looped.

Category Example

       2   0   0       85.57       58.90      1.45 o
       3   0   0    15718.18    15631.06     30.40 o
       4   0   0    55613.11    49840.09     61.86 o
       5   0   0      246.85      241.86     10.02 o
       6   0   0       82.16       69.97      1.93 o
       7   0   0     1133.62      947.79     11.78 o
       8   0   0     2558.04     2453.33     20.44 o
       9   0   0      283.88      393.66      7.79 o
      10   0   0      283.70      171.98      4.26 o