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loop_ _publ_body.element _publ_body.label _publ_body.title _publ_body.format _publ_body.contents section 1 Introduction cif ; X-ray diffraction from a crystalline material provides information on the thermally and spatially averaged electron density in the crystal... ; section 2 Theory tex ; In the rigid-atom approximation, the dynamic electron density of an atom is described by the convolution product of the static atomic density and a probability density function, $\rho_{dyn}(\bf r) = \rho_{stat}(\bf r) * P(\bf r). \eqno(1) $ ;
loop_ _publ_body.element _publ_body.label _publ_body.title _publ_body.contents section 3 ; The two-channel method for retrieval of the deformation electron density ; . subsection 3.1 'The two-channel entropy S[\D\r(r)]' ; As the wide dynamic range involved in the total electron density... ; subsection 3.2 'Uniform vs informative prior model densities' . subsubsection 3.2.1 'Use of uniform models' ; Straightforward algebra leads to expressions analogous to... ;