Data Category publ_body


Category name
Required in PDB entries
Category group membership
Used in current PDB entries

Category Relationship Diagrams

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Category Description

               Data items in the PUBL_BODY category permit labelling of
               different text sections within the body of a submitted paper.
               Note that these should not be used in a paper which has
               a standard format with sections tagged by specific data names
               (such as in Acta Crystallographica Section C). Typically,
               each journal will supply a list of the specific items it
               requires in its Notes for Authors.

Category Examples



         section   1         Introduction                                cif
    ; X-ray diffraction from a crystalline material provides
      information on the thermally and spatially averaged
      electron density in the crystal...
         section   2         Theory                                      tex
    ; In the rigid-atom approximation, the dynamic electron
      density of an atom is described by the convolution
      product of the static atomic density and a probability
      density function,
            $\rho_{dyn}(\bf r) = \rho_{stat}(\bf r) * P(\bf r).  \eqno(1) $

         section        3
    ; The two-channel method for retrieval of the deformation
      electron density
         subsection     3.1    'The two-channel entropy S[\D\r(r)]'
    ; As the wide dynamic range involved in the total electron density...
         subsection     3.2
    'Uniform vs informative prior model densities'        .
         subsubsection  3.2.1  'Use of uniform models'
    ; Straightforward algebra leads to expressions analogous to...