Data Category phasing_MIR_der_site


Category name
Required in PDB entries
Category group membership
Used in current PDB entries
Yes, in about 0.01 % of entries

Category Relationship Diagrams

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Category Description

               Data items in the PHASING_MIR_DER_SITE category record details
               about the heavy-atom sites in an MIR phasing experiment.

               This list may contain information from a number of different
               derivatives; _phasing_MIR_der_site.der_id indicates to which
               derivative a given record corresponds. (A derivative in this
               context does not necessarily equate with a data set; see the
               definition of the PHASING_MIR_DER category for a more
               thorough discussion of the meaning of derivative.)

Category Example

     KAu(CN)2  1  Au  0.40  0.082  0.266  0.615  33.0
     KAu(CN)2  2  Au  0.03  0.607  0.217  0.816  25.9
     KAu(CN)2  3  Au  0.02  0.263  0.782  0.906  15.7
     K2HgI4    1  Hg  0.63  0.048  0.286  0.636  33.7
     K2HgI4    2  Hg  0.34  0.913  0.768  0.889  36.7
     K2HgI4    3  Hg  0.23  0.974  0.455  0.974  24.2
     K2HgI4    4  Hg  0.28  0.903  0.836  0.859  14.7
     K2HgI4    5  Hg  0.07  0.489  0.200  0.885   6.4
     K2HgI4    6  Hg  0.07  0.162  0.799  0.889  32.9
     K3IrCl6   1  Ir  0.26  0.209  0.739  0.758  40.8
     K3IrCl6   2  Ir  0.05  0.279  0.613  0.752  24.9