_diffrn.id 'Set1' _diffrn.ambient_temp 293(3) _diffrn.ambient_environment ; Mother liquor from the reservoir of the vapor diffusion experiment, mounted in room air ; _diffrn.crystal_support ; 0.7 mm glass capillary, sealed with dental wax ; _diffrn.crystal_treatment ; Equilibrated in rotating anode radiation enclosure for 18 hours prior to beginning of data collection. ;
_diffrn.id 'd1' _diffrn.details ; \q scan width (1.0 + 0.14tan\q)\%, \q scan rate 1.2\% per min. Background counts for 5 sec on each side every scan. ; _diffrn.ambient_temp 293
_diffrn.id 1 _diffrn.ambient_temp 298