Enter the names of authors for the publications associated with this deposition.The primary citation is the article in which the deposited coordinates were first reported. Other related citations may be provided, and are identified as citations 1 through 5.
For the primary citation, enter the authors listed in the primary citation in the order in which they appear in the citation article. For the other related citations, enter the authors that correspond to other citations.
loop_ _citation_author.citation_id _citation_author.ordinal _citation_author.name primary 1 'Fitzgerald, P.M.D.' primary 2 'McKeever, B.M.' primary 3 'Van Middlesworth, J.F.' primary 4 'Springer, J.P.' primary 5 'Heimbach, J.C.' primary 6 'Leu, C.-T.' primary 7 'Herber, W.K.' primary 8 'Dixon, R.A.F.' primary 9 'Darke, P.L.' 2 1 'Navia, M.A.' 2 2 'Fitzgerald, P.M.D.' 2 3 'McKeever, B.M.' 2 4 'Leu, C.-T.' 2 5 'Heimbach, J.C.' 2 6 'Herber, W.K.' 2 7 'Sigal, I.S.' 2 8 'Darke, P.L.' 2 9 'Springer, J.P.' 3 1 'McKeever, B.M.' 3 2 'Navia, M.A.' 3 3 'Fitzgerald, P.M.D.' 3 4 'Springer, J.P.' 3 5 'Leu, C.-T.' 3 6 'Heimbach, J.C.' 3 7 'Herber, W.K.' 3 8 'Sigal, I.S.' 3 9 'Darke, P.L.' 4 1 'Darke, P.L.' 4 2 'Leu, C.-T.' 4 3 'Davis, L.J.' 4 4 'Heimbach, J.C.' 4 5 'Diehl, R.E.' 4 6 'Hill, W.S.' 4 7 'Dixon, R.A.F.' 4 8 'Sigal, I.S.'
loop_ _citation_author.citation_id _citation_author.name primary 'Drew, H.R.' primary 'Wing, R.M.' primary 'Takano, T.' primary 'Broka, C.' primary 'Tanaka, S.' primary 'Itakura, K.' primary 'Dickerson, R.E.' 1 'Dickerson, R.E.' 1 'Drew, H.R.'