Data Category chemical_conn_bond


Category name
Required in PDB entries
Category group membership
Used in current PDB entries

Category Relationship Diagrams

View full category relationship diagram including all dictionary data categories

Category Description

               Data items in the CHEMICAL_CONN_BOND category would not, in
               general, be used in a macromolecular CIF. See instead the
               ENTITY data items.

               Data items in the CHEMICAL_CONN_ATOM and CHEMICAL_CONN_BOND
               categories record details about the 2D chemical structure of the
               molecular species. They allow a 2D chemical diagram to be
               reconstructed for use in a publication or in a database search
               for structural and substructural relationships.

               The CHEMICAL_CONN_BOND data items specify the connections
               between the atoms in the CHEMICAL_CONN_ATOM list and the nature
               of the chemical bond between these atoms.

Category Example

       4     1     doub     4     3     sing
       4     2     sing     5     3     sing
       6     5     sing     7     6     sing
       8     7     sing     8     3     sing
       10    2     sing     12    9     doub
       12    11    sing     12    10    sing
       13    11    sing     14    13    sing
       15    14    sing     16    15    sing
       16    11    sing     17    5     sing
       18    5     sing     19    6     sing
       20    6     sing     21    7     sing
       22    7     sing     23    8     sing
       24    8     sing     25    13    sing
       26    13    sing     27    14    sing
       28    14    sing     29    15    sing
       30    15    sing     31    16    sing
       32    16    sing