Data Category cell


Category name
Required in PDB entries
Category group membership
Used in current PDB entries
Yes, in about 93.9 % of entries

Category Relationship Diagrams

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View abbreviated category relationship diagram including only those categories used in current PDB entries.

Category Description


Additional Descriptive Information for Depositors

Enter the crystallographic cell parameters for this structure.

Category Examples


    _cell.entry_id                         '5HVP'
    _cell.length_a                         58.39
    _cell.length_a_esd                      0.05
    _cell.length_b                         86.70
    _cell.length_b_esd                      0.12
    _cell.length_c                         46.27
    _cell.length_c_esd                      0.06
    _cell.angle_alpha                      90.00
    _cell.angle_beta                       90.00
    _cell.angle_gamma                      90.00
    _cell.volume                           234237
    ; The cell parameters were refined every twenty frames during data
      integration. The cell lengths given are the mean of 55 such refinements;
      the esds given are the root mean square deviations of these 55
      observations from that mean.
    _cell.length_a                      5.959
    _cell.length_a_esd                  0.001
    _cell.length_b                     14.956
    _cell.length_b_esd                  0.001
    _cell.length_c                     19.737
    _cell.length_c_esd                  0.003
    _cell.angle_alpha                  90.0
    _cell.angle_beta                   90.0
    _cell.angle_gamma                  90.0
    _cell.volume                       1759.0
    _cell.volume_esd                      0.3

Additional Category Example for Depositors

    _cell.length_a                         24.870
    _cell.length_b                         40.390
    _cell.length_c                         66.200
    _cell.angle_alpha                      90.00
    _cell.angle_beta                       90.00
    _cell.angle_gamma                      90.00

Key Data Items