Data Category atom_sites_alt_ens


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Category Description

               Data items in the ATOM_SITES_ALT_ENS category record details
               about the ensemble structure generated from atoms with various
               alternative conformation ids.

Category Example

     'Ensemble 1-A'
    ; The inhibitor binds to the enzyme in two, roughly twofold symmetric,
      alternative conformations.

      This conformational ensemble includes the more populated conformation of
      the inhibitor (id=1) and the amino acid side chains and solvent structure
      that correlate with this inhibitor conformation.

      Also included are one set (id=3) of side chains with alternative
      conformations when the conformations are not correlated with the
      inhibitor conformation.
     'Ensemble 1-B'
    ; The inhibitor binds to the enzyme in two, roughly twofold symmetric
      alternative conformations.

      This conformational ensemble includes the more populated conformation of
      the inhibitor (id=1) and the amino acid side chains and solvent structure
      that correlate with this inhibitor conformation.

      Also included are one set (id=4) of side chains with alternative
      conformations when the conformations are not correlated with the
      inhibitor conformation.
     'Ensemble 2-A'
    ; The inhibitor binds to the enzyme in two, roughly twofold symmetric
      alternative conformations.

      This conformational ensemble includes the less populated conformation of
      the inhibitor (id=2) and the amino acid side chains and solvent structure
      that correlate with this inhibitor conformation.

      Also included are one set (id=3) of side chains with alternative
      conformations when the conformations are not correlated with the
      inhibitor conformation.
     'Ensemble 2-B'
    ; The inhibitor binds to the enzyme in two, roughly twofold symmetric
      alternative conformations.

      This conformational ensemble includes the less populated conformation of
      the inhibitor (id=2) and the amino acid side chains and solvent structure
      that correlate with this inhibitor conformation.

      Also included are one set (id=4) of side chains with alternative
      conformations when the conformations are not correlated with the
      inhibitor conformation.

Key Data Items