Data Item _ma_associated_archive_file_details.file_format


Item name
Category name
Attribute name
Required in PDB entries
Used in current PDB entries

Item Description

The format of the file.

Data Type

Data type code
Data type detail
code item types/single words ...
Primitive data type code
Regular expression

Controlled Vocabulary

Allowed Value Details
a2m A2M
a3m A3M
bcif Binary cif
cif CIF
clustalw Clustalw
csv CSV
fasta Fasta
gzip gzip
jpg jpg
json JSON
npy NumPy array
npz NumPy arrays
other Other format
pdf PDF
pir/nbrf PIR/NBRF
pkl Python pickle
png png
pt PyTorch
tsv TSV
txt Text
zip zip

Controlled Vocabulary at Deposition

Allowed Value Details
a2m A2M
a3m A3M
bcif Binary cif
cif CIF
clustalw Clustalw
csv CSV
fasta Fasta
gzip gzip
jpg jpg
json JSON
npy NumPy array
npz NumPy arrays
other Other format
pdf PDF
pir/nbrf PIR/NBRF
pkl Python pickle
png png
pt PyTorch
tsv TSV
txt Text
zip zip