Data Item _space_group.IT_coordinate_system_code


Item name
Category name
Attribute name
Required in PDB entries
Used in current PDB entries

Item Description

A qualifier taken from the enumeration list identifying which setting in International Tables for Crystallography (3rd Edn) Vol. A (IT) is used. See IT Table 4.3.1 Section 2.16, Table 2.16.1 Section 2.16.(i) and Fig. 2.6.4. This item is not computer interpretable and cannot be used to define the coordinate system. Use _space_group.transform_* instead.

Data Type

Data type code
Data type detail
char item types / multi-word items ...
Primitive data type code
Regular expression
[][ \t_(),.;:"&<>/\{}'`~!@#$%?+=*A-Za-z0-9|^-]*

Controlled Vocabulary

Allowed Value Details
-a1 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 1, -acb
-a2 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 2, -acb
-a3 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 3, -acb
-b1 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 1, c-ba
-b2 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 2, c-ba
-b3 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 3, c-ba
-c1 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 1, ba-c
-c2 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 2, ba-c
-c3 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 3, ba-c
-cba orthorhombic
1 tetragonal or cubic origin choice 1
1-cba orthorhombic origin choice 1
1a-cb orthorhombic origin choice 1
1abc orthorhombic origin choice 1
1ba-c orthorhombic origin choice 1
1bca orthorhombic origin choice 1
1cab orthorhombic origin choice 1
2 tetragonal or cubic origin choice 2
2-cba orthorhombic origin choice 2
2a-cb orthorhombic origin choice 2
2abc orthorhombic origin choice 2
2ba-c orthorhombic origin choice 2
2bca orthorhombic origin choice 2
2cab orthorhombic origin choice 2
a-cb orthorhombic
a1 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 1, abc
a2 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 2, abc
a3 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 3, abc
abc orthorhombic
b1 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 1, abc
b2 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 2, abc
b3 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 3, abc
ba-c orthorhombic
bca orthorhombic
c1 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 1, abc
c2 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 2, abc
c3 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 3, abc
cab orthorhombic
h trigonal using hexagonal axes
r trigonal using rhombohedral axes

Controlled Vocabulary at Deposition

Allowed Value Details
-a1 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 1, -acb
-a2 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 2, -acb
-a3 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 3, -acb
-b1 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 1, c-ba
-b2 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 2, c-ba
-b3 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 3, c-ba
-c1 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 1, ba-c
-c2 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 2, ba-c
-c3 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 3, ba-c
-cba orthorhombic
1 tetragonal or cubic origin choice 1
1-cba orthorhombic origin choice 1
1a-cb orthorhombic origin choice 1
1abc orthorhombic origin choice 1
1ba-c orthorhombic origin choice 1
1bca orthorhombic origin choice 1
1cab orthorhombic origin choice 1
2 tetragonal or cubic origin choice 2
2-cba orthorhombic origin choice 2
2a-cb orthorhombic origin choice 2
2abc orthorhombic origin choice 2
2ba-c orthorhombic origin choice 2
2bca orthorhombic origin choice 2
2cab orthorhombic origin choice 2
a-cb orthorhombic
a1 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 1, abc
a2 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 2, abc
a3 monoclinic unique axis a, cell choice 3, abc
abc orthorhombic
b1 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 1, abc
b2 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 2, abc
b3 monoclinic unique axis b, cell choice 3, abc
ba-c orthorhombic
bca orthorhombic
c1 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 1, abc
c2 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 2, abc
c3 monoclinic unique axis c, cell choice 3, abc
cab orthorhombic
h trigonal using hexagonal axes
r trigonal using rhombohedral axes