Data Item _sas_scan.type


Item name
Category name
Attribute name
Required in PDB entries
Used in current PDB entries

Item Description

If the type is "processed", the intensity Ip is corrected for background, detector response etc. as follows: Ip = (Is - Im - Ib(Tm-Ts) )/( Id*C*ds*Ts) where Is = the intensity measured with the mounted specimen Im = the intensity measured with the matrix alone Ib = the measured background intensity Id = the detector response (the above four quantities are found in _sas_scan_intensity.intensity depending on the flag given in this item. See the enumeration list for this item.) Ts = transmission coefficient of the specimen = sas_sample.specimen_transmission Tm = transmission coefficient of the matrix = _sas_sample.matrix_transmission C = concentration of the specimen = _sas_sample.specimen_concentration ds = thickness of the sample = _sas_sample.thickness The detector response is the intensity measured by the detector from a uniform scatterer (e.g. a Fe55 radioactive source for X-rays or water for neutrons).

Data Type

Data type code
Data type detail
code item types/single words ...
Primitive data type code
Regular expression

Controlled Vocabulary

Allowed Value Details
background Ib = intensity of the background
detector Id = intensity of the detector response
matrix Im = intensity of the matrix
processed Ip = processed intensity
sample Is = intensity of the sample

Controlled Vocabulary at Deposition

Allowed Value Details
background Ib = intensity of the background
detector Id = intensity of the detector response
matrix Im = intensity of the matrix
processed Ip = processed intensity
sample Is = intensity of the sample