Describes the symmetry operation that should be applied to the
residues delimited by the beginning and ending designators in
order to generate the appropriate strand in this sheet.
Data Type
Data type code
Data type detail
symop item types take the form n_klm, where n refers to the
symmetry operation that is applied to the coordinates in the
ATOM_SITE category identified by _atom_site_label. It must
match a number given in _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id.
k, l, and m refer to the translations that are subsequently
applied to the symmetry transformed coordinates to generate
the atom used. These translations (x,y,z) are related to
(k,l,m) by
k = 5 + x
l = 5 + y
m = 5 + z
By adding 5 to the translations, the use of negative numbers
is avoided.