Data Item _struct_biol.details


Item name
Category name
Attribute name
Required in PDB entries
Used in current PDB entries
Yes, in about 6.3 % of entries

Item Description

A description of special aspects of the biological unit.

Additional Descriptive Information for Depositors

A description of the biological assembly and the steps required to 
build the assembly from the deposited coordinates.

If symmetry operation(s) are needed to build the biol. unit, include translation and rotation.

Item Example

                                  The drug binds to this enzyme in two roughly
                                  twofold symmetric modes. Hence this
                                  biological unit (3) is roughly twofold
                                  symmetric to biological unit (2). Disorder in
                                  the protein chain indicated with alternative
                                  id 2 should be used with this biological unit.

Additional Item Example for Depositors

The biological assembly is a dimer constructed from chain A a
symmetry partner generated by the two-fold.

Data Type

Data type code
Data type detail
text item types / multi-line text ...
Primitive data type code
Regular expression
[][ \n\t()_,.;:"&<>/\{}'`~!@#$%?+=*A-Za-z0-9|^-]*