Describes the symmetry operation that should be applied to the
atom set specified by _rcsb_struct_link.ptnr2_label* to generate the
second partner in the structure connection.
symop item types take the form n_klm, where n refers to the
symmetry operation that is applied to the coordinates in the
ATOM_SITE category identified by _atom_site_label. It must
match a number given in _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id.
k, l, and m refer to the translations that are subsequently
applied to the symmetry transformed coordinates to generate
the atom used. These translations (x,y,z) are related to
(k,l,m) by
k = 5 + x
l = 5 + y
m = 5 + z
By adding 5 to the translations, the use of negative numbers
is avoided.