Structure model
Allowed Value | Details |
Additional map | EM map |
Chemical component | Chemical component definition file |
EM metadata | Data describing EM experimental data |
FSC | EM Fourier Shell Correlation data |
Half map | EM half map |
Image | Image that represents primary map |
Mask | EM mask map |
NMR restraints | NMR restraints file |
NMR shifts | NMR chemical shifts file |
Primary map | EM primary map |
Structure factors | Diffraction structure factors file |
Structure model | Coordinate model file |
Allowed Value | Details |
Additional map | EM map |
Chemical component | Chemical component definition file |
EM metadata | Data describing EM experimental data |
FSC | EM Fourier Shell Correlation data |
Half map | EM half map |
Image | Image that represents primary map |
Mask | EM mask map |
NMR restraints | NMR restraints file |
NMR shifts | NMR chemical shifts file |
Primary map | EM primary map |
Structure factors | Diffraction structure factors file |
Structure model | Coordinate model file |