Data Item _peak_char.coupling_pattern


Item name
Category name
Attribute name
Required in PDB entries
Used in currrent PDB entries

Item Description

A code that describes the type of coupling pattern observed for the NMR spectral peak.

Data Type

Data type code
Data type detail
char item types / multi-word items ...
Primitive data type code
Regular expression
[][ \t_(),.;:"&<>/\{}'`~!@#$%?+=*A-Za-z0-9|^-]*
Values limited by enumeration list

Controlled Vocabulary

Allowed Value Details
1JCH one J carbon-proton couplings
LR long-range coupling
d doublet
dd doublet of doublets
ddd doublet of doublets of doublets
dm doublet of multiplets
dt doublet of triplets
hpt heptet
hxt hextet
m multiplet
q quartet
qd quartet of doublets
qn quintet
s singlet
sxt sextet
t triplet
td triplet of doublets

Controlled Vocabulary at Deposition

Allowed Value Details
1JCH one J carbon-proton couplings
LR long-range coupling
d doublet
dd doublet of doublets
ddd doublet of doublets of doublets
dm doublet of multiplets
dt doublet of triplets
hpt heptet
hxt hextet
m multiplet
q quartet
qd quartet of doublets
qn quintet
s singlet
sxt sextet
t triplet
td triplet of doublets