Allowed Value | Details |
atom | feature is an atom or a set of atoms from a polymeric or non-polymeric entity |
ligand | feature is an instance or a set of instances of non-polymeric entities |
pseudo site | feature is a pseudo site |
residue | feature is a residue or a set of residues from a polymeric entity, each represented by the alpha carbon atom |
residue range | feature is a set of residues in a contiguous range from a polymeric entity, each represented by the alpha carbon atom |
Allowed Value | Details |
atom | feature is an atom or a set of atoms from a polymeric or non-polymeric entity |
ligand | feature is an instance or a set of instances of non-polymeric entities |
pseudo site | feature is a pseudo site |
residue | feature is a residue or a set of residues from a polymeric entity, each represented by the alpha carbon atom |
residue range | feature is a set of residues in a contiguous range from a polymeric entity, each represented by the alpha carbon atom |