Data Item _ihm_cross_link_restraint.restraint_type


Item name
Category name
Attribute name
Required in PDB entries
Used in currrent PDB entries

Item Description

The type of the cross link restraint applied.

Data Type

Data type code
Data type detail
char item types / multi-word items ...
Primitive data type code
Regular expression
[][ \t_(),.;:"&<>/\{}'`~!@#$%?+=*A-Za-z0-9|^-]*

Controlled Vocabulary

Allowed Value Details
harmonic The restraint is satisfied if the distance between the particles is equal to the equilibrium distance
lower bound The restraint is satisfied if the distance between the particles is above the distance threshold
upper bound The restraint is satisfied if the distance between the particles is below the distance threshold

Controlled Vocabulary at Deposition

Allowed Value Details
harmonic The restraint is satisfied if the distance between the particles is equal to the equilibrium distance
lower bound The restraint is satisfied if the distance between the particles is above the distance threshold
upper bound The restraint is satisfied if the distance between the particles is below the distance threshold