Information Specific To Macromolecular Crystallography (MX)

Sample preparation

PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_exptl_crystal_grow REMARK 280 Details about the conditions and methods used to grow the crystal.


_exptl_crystal_grow.apparatus ?
_exptl_crystal_grow.crystal_id 1
_exptl_crystal_grow.method 'VAPOR DIFFUSION, SITTING DROP'
_exptl_crystal_grow.pH 5.5
_exptl_crystal_grow.pdbx_details '0.4uL protein, 0.4 uL 100mM Bis-Tri pH 5.5, 25% PEG 3350, 0.2M NaCl equilibrated against a well of 0.5M LiCl'
_exptl_crystal_grow.temp 298
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_exptl_crystal REMARK 280 Results of experimental measurements on the crystal or crystals used, such as shape, size or density.


_exptl_crystal.density_Matthews 2.16
_exptl_crystal.density_percent_sol 43.08 1

Data collection

PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_diffrn REMARK 200 Details about the diffraction experiment ambient conditions.

Example: 1
_diffrn.ambient_temp 100
_diffrn.crystal_id 1
_diffrn.details ?
_diffrn.pdbx_serial_crystal_experiment N
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_diffrn_detector REMARK 200 Details about the detector used to measure the scattered radiation, including any analyser and post-sample collimation.


_diffrn_detector.diffrn_id 1
_diffrn_detector.details mirrors
_diffrn_detector.detector PIXEL
_diffrn_detector.type 'DECTRIS EIGER X 16M'
_diffrn_detector.pdbx_collection_date 2022-10-07
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_diffrn_radiation REMARK 200 Details about the radiation used in measuring the diffraction intensities, its collimation and monochromatization before the sample.


_diffrn_radiation.diffrn_id 1
_diffrn_radiation.monochromomator 'Si (111)'
_diffrn_radiation.wavelength_id 1
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_monochromatic_or_laue_m_l M
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_diffrn_protocol 'SINGLE WAVELENGTH'
_diffrn_radiation.pdbx_scattering_type x-ray
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength REMARK 200 Details about the wavelength of the radiation used to measure the diffraction intensities. Several wavelengths can be provided here to describe for example multi-wavelength experiments, such as MAD.


1 1.0 1.0
2 0.9793 1.0
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_diffrn_source REMARK 200 Details of the source of radiation used in the diffraction experiment.


_diffrn_source.current ?
_diffrn_source.details ?
_diffrn_source.diffrn_id 1
_diffrn_source.power ?
_diffrn_source.size ?
_diffrn_source.source SYNCHROTRON ?
_diffrn_source.type 'NSLS-II BEAMLINE 17-ID-2'
_diffrn_source.voltage ?
_diffrn_source.pdbx_wavelength_list 0.9793
_diffrn_source.pdbx_synchrotron_beamline 17-ID-2
_diffrn_source.pdbx_synchrotron_site NSLS-II
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
  • REMARK 3
  • REMARK 200
Details about the software used in the structure analysis, which implies any software used in the generation of any data items associated with the structure determination and structure representation.


? refinement ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? PHENIX ? ? ? 1.20.1_4487 1
? 'data scaling' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SCALA ? ? ? . 2
? 'data reduction' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? XDS ? ? ? . 3
? phasing ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? PHASER ? ? ? . 4

Data collection and processing statistics

PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_reflns REMARK 200 Overall data collection statistics for the X-ray diffraction experiment.


_reflns.d_resolution_high 1.660
_reflns.d_resolution_low 62.942
_reflns.pdbx_number_measured_all 560202
_reflns.number_obs 112977
_reflns.pdbx_Rmerge_I_obs 0.040
_reflns.pdbx_netI_over_sigmaI 17.990
_reflns.pdbx_chi_squared 1.115
_reflns.percent_possible_obs 99.400
_reflns.observed_criterion_sigma_I -3.000
_reflns.pdbx_Rrim_I_all 0.045
_reflns.pdbx_CC_half 0.999
_reflns.B_iso_Wilson_estimate 38.223
_reflns.pdbx_diffrn_id 1
_reflns.pdbx_ordinal 1
_reflns.entry_id 7GT6
_reflns.observed_criterion_sigma_F ?
_reflns.number_all ?
_reflns.pdbx_Rsym_value ?
_reflns.pdbx_redundancy ?
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_reflns_shell REMARK 200 Data collection statistics for the X-ray diffraction experiment broken into resolution shells.


1 1 1.660 1.760 73562 ? 18124 0 0.896 1.320 ? ? ? ? ? 18441 ? ? ? ? ? 98.300 1.035 ? 0.529
1 2 1.760 1.890 73368 ? 17113 0 0.473 2.780 ? ? ? ? ? 17267 ? ? ? ? ? 99.100 0.538 ? 0.845
1 3 1.890 2.040 83887 ? 15933 0 0.253 5.910 ? ? ? ? ? 16040 ? ? ? ? ? 99.300 0.282 ? 0.968
1 4 2.040 2.230 77815 ? 14753 0 0.130 11.180 ? ? ? ? ? 14824 ? ? ? ? ? 99.500 0.144 ? 0.990
1 5 2.230 2.490 69475 ? 13360 0 0.079 17.740 ? ? ? ? ? 13398 ? ? ? ? ? 99.700 0.088 ? 0.996
1 6 2.490 2.880 62385 ? 11722 0 0.050 27.680 ? ? ? ? ? 11738 ? ? ? ? ? 99.900 0.056 ? 0.998
1 7 2.880 3.520 52823 ? 9992 0 0.032 42.650 ? ? ? ? ? 9997 ? ? ? ? ? 99.900 0.036 ? 0.999
1 8 3.520 4.970 40142 ? 7731 0 0.024 57.810 ? ? ? ? ? 7734 ? ? ? ? ? 100.000 0.027 ? 0.999
1 9 4.920 62.942 22745 ? 4249 0 0.023 62.870 ? ? ? ? ? 4252 ? ? ? ? ? 99.900 0.025 ? 0.999


PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_refine REMARK 3 Details about the structure-refinement statistics.


_refine.entry_id 7GT6
_refine.pdbx_refine_id 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION'
_refine.ls_d_res_high 1.6600
_refine.ls_d_res_low 62.9400
_refine.pdbx_ls_sigma_F 0.000
_refine.ls_percent_reflns_obs 99.3700
_refine.ls_number_reflns_obs 56491
_refine.pdbx_ls_cross_valid_method THROUGHOUT
_refine.pdbx_R_Free_selection_details RANDOM
_refine.ls_R_factor_all ?
_refine.ls_R_factor_obs 0.2007
_refine.ls_R_factor_R_word 0.1996
_refine.ls_R_factor_R_free 0.2276
_refine.ls_percent_reflns_R_free 3.9000
_refine.ls_number_reflns_R_free 2321
_refine.B_iso_mean 37.3880
_refine.aniso_B[1][1] 0.5500
_refine.aniso_B[2][2] 0.5500
_refine.aniso_B[3][3] -1.7900
_refine.aniso_B[1][2] 0.2800
_refine.aniso_B[1][3] 0.0000
_refine.aniso_B[2][3] 0.0000
_refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc 0.9620
_refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc_free 0.9530
_refine.pdbx_overall_ESU_R 0.0890
_refine.pdbx_overall_ESU_R_Free 0.0900
_refine.overall_SU_ML 0.0740
_refine.overall_SU_B 2.3210
_refine.solvent_model_details MASK
_refine.pdbx_solvent_vdw_probe_radii 1.2000
_refine.pdbx_solvent_ion_probe_radii 0.8000
_refine.pdbx_solvent_shrinkage_radii 0.8000
_refine.pdbx_method_to_determine_struct 'MOLECULAR REPLACEMENT'
_refine.pdbx_stereochemistry_target_values 'MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD'
_refine.B_iso_max 135.070
_refine.B_iso_min 19.500
_refine.pdbx_diffrn_id 1
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_refine_ls_shell REMARK 3 Details about the results of the least-squares refinement broken down into shells of resolution.


2.500 2.6316 7 97.0 4166 . 0.4102 0.4078 . 135 . 4301 4301 . 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION'
2.6316 2.7964 7 100.0 4242 . 0.3417 0.3548 . 156 . 4398 4398 . 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION'
2.7964 3.0123 7 100.0 4332 . 0.2683 0.3923 . 113 . 4445 4445 . 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION'
3.0123 3.3153 7 100.0 4285 . 0.2135 0.2780 . 158 . 4443 4443 . 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION'
3.3153 3.7947 7 98.0 4266 . 0.2193 0.2524 . 137 . 4403 4403 . 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION'
3.7947 4.7796 7 99.0 4312 . 0.1696 0.2265 . 156 . 4468 4468 . 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION'
4.7796 39.7236 7 100.0 4512 . 0.1794 0.1675 . 160 . 4672 4672 . 'X-RAY DIFFRACTION'
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_refine_ls_restr REMARK 3 Details about the restraints applied to various classes of parameters during the least-squares refinement.



'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_bond_refined_d 3714 0.048 0.025 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_bond_other_d 2730 0.001 0.015 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_angle_refined_deg 3919 1.717 1.662 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_angle_other_deg 6334 1.410 1.601 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_dihedral_angle_1_deg 355 6.689 5.000 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_dihedral_angle_2_deg 169 29.721 21.361 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_dihedral_angle_3_deg 545 14.366 15.000 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_dihedral_angle_4_deg 26 24.117 15.000 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_chiral_restr 357 0.088 0.200 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_gen_planes_refined 3323 0.009 0.020 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_gen_planes_other 705 0.001 0.020 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_mcbond_it 1792 3.161 3.442 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_mcbond_other 1753 3.149 3.416 ? ?
'X-RAY DIFFRACTION' r_mcangle_it 1735 4.416 5.214 ? ?
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model N/A The starting model(s) used in structure determination.

Example: 1
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.entity_id_list 1
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.type 'experimental model'
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.source_name PDB
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.accession_code 6HA3
_pdbx_initial_refinement_model.details ?

Crystallographic and Coordinate Transformation Section

PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_symmetry CRYST1 Details about the space group symmetry.


_symmetry.entry_id 8VCW
_symmeetry.cell_setting ?
_symmetry.Int_Tables_number 19
_symmetry.space_group_name_Hall ?
_symmetry.space_group_name_H-M 'P 21 21 21'
_symmeetry.pdbx_full_space_group_name_H-M ?
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_cell CRYST1 Details about the crystallographic cell parameters.


_cell.angle_alpha 90.00
_cell.angle_beta 90.00
_cell.angle_gamma 90.00
_cell.entry_id 8VCW
_cell.length_a 38.209
_cell.length_b 50.7776
_cell.length_c 161.878
_cell.Z_PDB 4
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_atom_sites SCALE Details about the matrix used to transform fractional coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.


_atom_sites.entry_id 8VCW
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix[1][1] ?
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix[1][2] ?
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix[1][3] ?
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix[2][1] ?
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix[2][2] ?
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix[2][3] ?
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix[3][1] ?
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix[3][2] ?
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_matrix[3][3] ?
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_vector[1] ?
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_vector[2] ?
_atom_sites.Cartn_transf_vector[3] ?
_atom_sites.Cart_transform_axes ?
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][1] 0.026172
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][2] 0.000000
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[1][3] 0.000000
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][1] 0.000000
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][2] 0.019694
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[2][3] 0.000000
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][1] 0.000000
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][2] 0.000000
_atom_sites.fract_transf_matrix[3][3] 0.006177
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[1] 0.00000
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[2] 0.00000
_atom_sites.fract_transf_vector[3] 0.00000