Entry Composition and Details

PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_entity COMPND Details about each unique molecular entity (protein, nucleic acid, carbohydrate, small molecule) present in the structure.



1 polymer man 'Secreted effector kinase SteC' 19731.074 4 2.7.-.- C276S
2 non-polymer nat 'ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE' 347.221 4 ? ?
3 non-polymer syn 'MAGNESIUM ION' 24.305 5 ? ?
4 water nat water 18.015 167 ? ?

Source and Expression System

PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_entity_src_gen SOURCE Details of the source from which the entity was obtained in cases where the source was genetically manipulated, including the organism from which the gene was obtained and the host organism for gene expression and details about the host organism (e.g., the plasmid used).



_entity_src_gen.entity_id 1
_entity_src_gen.pdbx_src_id 1
_entity_src_gen.pdbx_alt_source_flag sample
_entity_src_gen.pdbx_seq_type 'Biological sequence'
_entity_src_gen.pdbx_beg_seq_num 1
_entity_src_gen.pdbx_end_seq_num 299
_entity_src_gen.pdbx_gene_src_scientific_name 'Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2'
_entity_src_gen.pdbx_gene_src_ncbi_taxonomy_id 2697049
_entity_src_gen.pdbx_host_org_scientific_name 'Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3)'
_entity_src_gen.pdbx_host_org_ncbi_taxonomy_id 469008
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_entity_src_nat SOURCE Details of the source from which the entity was obtained in cases where the entity was isolated directly from a natural source.


_entity_src_nat 1
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_src_id 1
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_alt_source_flag sample
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_beg_seq_num 1
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_end_seqe_num 129
_entity_src_nat.common_name chicken
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_organism_scientific 'Gallus gallus'
_entity_src_nat.pdbx_ncbi_taxonomy_id 9031
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_pdbx_entity_src_syn SOURCE Details of the source from which the entity was obtained in cases where the entity was chemically synthesized.


_pdbx_entity_src_syn.entity_id 2
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_src_id 1
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_alt_source_flag sample
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_beg_seq_num 1
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.pdbx_end_seq_num 64
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.organism_scientific 'Mandarin fish ranavirus'
_pdbx_entity_src_syn.ncbi_taxonomy_id 2487147

Sample Sequence

PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_entity_poly SEQRES Details about the polymer, such as polymer type, corresponding chain IDs and studied polymer sequence.



1 'polypeptide (L)' no no
A,C ?
2 'polypeptide (L)' no no
B,D ?
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_entity_poly_seq SEQRES Specifies the sequence of monomers in a polymer. Allowance is made for the possibility of microheterogeneity in a sample by allowing a given sequence number to be correlated with more than one monomer ID. The corresponding ATOM_SITE entries should reflect this heterogeneity.



1 1 VAL n
1 2 LEU n
1 3 SER n
1 4 PRO n
1 5 ALA n
1 6 ASP n
... (truncated for brevity)
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_pdbx_poly_seq_scheme N/A Residue level nomenclature mapping for polymer entities.



A 1 1 VAL 1 1 1 VAL VAL A . n
A 1 2 LEU 2 2 2 LEU LEU A . n
A 1 3 SER 3 3 3 SER SER A . n
A 1 4 PRO 4 4 4 PRO PRO A . n
A 1 5 ALA 5 5 5 ALA ALA A . n
A 1 6 ASP 6 6 6 ASP ASP A . n
A 1 7 LYS 7 7 7 LYS LYS A . n
A 1 8 THR 8 8 8 THR THR A . n
A 1 9 ASN 9 9 9 ASN ASN A . n
A 1 10 VAL 10 10 10 VAL VAL A . n
A 1 11 LYS 11 11 11 LYS LYS A . n
A 1 12 ALA 12 12 12 ALA ALA A . n
A 1 13 ALA 13 13 13 ALA ALA A . n
A 1 14 TRP 14 14 14 TRP TRP A . n
A 1 15 GLY 15 15 15 GLY GLY A . n
A 1 16 LYS 16 16 16 LYS LYS A . n
A 1 17 VAL 17 17 17 VAL VAL A . n
A 1 18 GLY 18 18 18 GLY GLY A . n
A 1 19 ALA 19 19 19 ALA ALA A . n
... (truncated for brevity)
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_struct_asym N/A Details about instances of molecular entities.



A N N 1 ?
B N N 1 ?
C N N 1 ?
D N N 1 ?
E N N 2 ?
F N N 2 ?
G N N 2 ?
H N N 2 ?

Sequence Reference

PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_struct_ref DBREF Relates the sequence of the polymer entities described in the structure to the information archived in external sequence databases (UniProt, GeneBank, PDB, etc.).


Example: 1
_struct_ref.db_name UNP
_struct_ref.db_code Q93D82_RHIRD
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_accession Q93D82
_struct_ref.pdbx_db_isoform ?
_struct_ref.entity_id 1
_struct_ref.pdbx_align_begin 3
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_struct_ref_seq DBREF Provides the residue ranges used for the alignment between the sequence of an entity described in the structure and the sequence in the referenced database entry.


1 1 5KWE A 20 ? 271 ? Q93D82 3 ? 254 ? 3 254
2 1 5KWE B 20 ? 271 ? Q93D82 3 ? 254 ? 3 254
3 1 5KWE C 20 ? 271 ? Q93D82 3 ? 254 ? 3 254
4 1 5KWE D 20 ? 271 ? Q93D82 3 ? 254 ? 3 254
PDBx/mmCIF category Legacy PDB format records Description
_struct_ref_seq_dif SEQADV Lists differences (if any) between the sequence of the polymer entity described in the structure and the sequence of the referenced database entry with corresponding annotation (conflict, engineered mutation, variant, expression tag, etc.).


1 5KWE MET A 1 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'initiating methionine' -16 1
1 5KWE GLY A 2 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -15 2
1 5KWE HIS A 3 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -14 3
1 5KWE HIS A 4 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -13 4
1 5KWE HIS A 5 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -12 5
1 5KWE HIS A 6 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -11 6
1 5KWE HIS A 7 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -10 7
1 5KWE HIS A 8 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -9 8
1 5KWE SER A 9 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -8 9
1 5KWE SER A 10 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -7 10
1 5KWE GLY A 11 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -6 11
1 5KWE LEU A 12 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -5 12
1 5KWE VAL A 13 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -4 13
1 5KWE PRO A 14 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -3 14
1 5KWE ARG A 15 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -2 15
1 5KWE GLY A 16 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' -1 16
1 5KWE SER A 17 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' 0 17
1 5KWE HIS A 18 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' 1 18
1 5KWE ALA A 19 ? UNP Q93D82 ? ? 'expression tag' 2 19
1 5KWE ASN A 170 ? UNP Q93D82 CYS 153 'engineered mutation' 153 20